Landowner question:
I am 46 years old—at what stage in the life cycle should I be looking at pines? 5 years old? cutover? 20 year old pines? Trying to get an understanding of where I should purchase in the 30 year cycle of loblolly pines. Also—I am a hunter and hope to be able to deer/turkey hunt on the land as well as have some small food plots, etc. Also, is there a good mix of pine/hardwood I should look for since I do want to have deer and turkey present on my land?
Forester reply:
Since you’re 46 I’d aim for 10 to 15 year old pines. Buy them right before they are big enough to thin. This puts you near the first-thin income and the first “jump” in product class (to chip n saw from pulpwood). A mix of hardwood with your pine is always good for hunting. But there is a trade-off between best hunting (mostly hardwood) and best financial return (mostly planted pine). You’ll have to decide on the blend that fits you best. Good luck.
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